Principals Pen

Principals Pen Wednesday, 07 Sept 2022

Values to Inspire, Illuminate and...

In our Lutheran schools we promote, teach and strive to live out the values that...

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Principals Pen Wednesday, 24 Aug 2022

Great Books

It’s Book Week and we are celebrating reading and the quality books that are available...

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Principals Pen Wednesday, 10 Aug 2022

Let the Games Continue

What games do you like to play? Where do you like to play them? What...

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Principals Pen Wednesday, 27 July 2022

On a Journey

‘Life is a journey’ they say. We are all travellers during our time on this...

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Principals Pen Wednesday, 13 July 2022

In the Interim

‘Are you the new principal?’ This was the question I was most asked as I...

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Principals Pen Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Parents, Keep Doing These Six...

Living Faith has a rigorous and multi-layered enrolment process. Why? Living Faith offers an educational...

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Principals Pen Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Just as Children are Learning...

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Aristotle Parents have their...

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Principals Pen Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Connectedness: A Basic Human Need

Connectedness is a fundamental psychological human need. Just as food, water and shelter are needed...

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Principals Pen Wednesday, 04 May 2022

Be Still: Finding Calm Amid...

Our generation knows so much. Knowledge is at our fingertips. But knowing too much can...

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