
Learning Landscape Thursday, 20 July 2023

Kids Speak

Our Preps are well and truly settling into the Learning Nest. When I walk through...

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Principals Pen Thursday, 13 July 2023

Living Faith Staff Bootcamp

During the first week of what was the school holiday period for our students, the staff...

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Learning Landscape Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023

Zones of Regulation

Throughout each term, students participate in a fortnightly pastoral care lesson. Throughout the year lessons...

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Principals Pen Wednesday, 22 Mar 2023

What is Chat GPT

Most of us are familiar with the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) and may have used...

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Learning Landscape Wednesday, 08 Mar 2023

Chaplaincy and Well-being Programs at...

As chaplain, I look after the well-being of our families and students. Though everyone is...

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Principals Pen Wednesday, 08 Mar 2023

Student collaboration is critical

Moving from I-centred to we-centred in our learning One of the many strengths of the learning...

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Learning Landscape Wednesday, 08 Feb 2023

The Living Faith Way

In the last edition of Faith Matters, we took a closer look at some of...

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Principals Pen Wednesday, 08 Feb 2023

Growing our Contemporary Competencies through...

An important part of our leadership development program for our Year 6 students at Living...

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Learning Landscape Wednesday, 25 Jan 2023

The Living Faith Way

Living Faith prides itself on teaching and learning practices that promote student engagement, purpose and...

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