Principals Pen Wednesday, 28 Aug 2019

Living Faith’s approach to education is founded on our beliefs about learning, which draw upon significant research in a range of fields including child development, neuroscience, psychology, generational research and the changing nature of the workforce. The maturing of our school’s practices in recent years has also been founded on these beliefs.

The Bible tells us that ‘a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength’ (Proverbs 17:22) and so we adopt a strengths-based model whereby student engagement is viewed as an essential ingredient in student improvement and achievement.

If you haven’t recently reviewed our ten beliefs about learning, here’s your one-stop shop.

  1. We believe we should educate our students for their future, not our past (Daniel Pink, 2012) and that schools need to evolve to meet the needs of our students in a changing world.
  2. We believe children learn all the time – not just at school – and that one of the greatest gifts a school can give a child is to nurture their natural love of learning so that it lasts a lifetime.
  3. We believe learning should focus on the development of skills such as creativity, digital citizenship, collaboration, problem solving and responsible leadership rather than focus on the retention of Google-able facts.
  4. We believe resilience, grit, risk-taking and effort are just as important as academic success and that students should see failure and challenge as an opportunity to learn, grow and improve.
  5. We believe every child is a unique gift from God and therefore learns differently. Students should come to know themselves as learners and what works best for them.
  6. We believe children learn best when they are involved in real-life, multi-disciplinary projects that excite them and encourage them to make choices for themselves.
  7. We believe students achieve their potential when they understand the purpose behind their learning experiences and when they can visualise how they can be successful in the tasks they are asked to complete.
  8. We believe students should be able to improve through targeted feedforward offered by teachers and peers before they are assessed.
  9. We believe parents are the primary educators and that schools exist to partner with parents by providing a formal, well-researched and forward-thinking learning environment.
  10. We believe in every child … and we believe that every child matters.

Our beliefs about learning are featured on this page of our website, accompanied by what we aspire for our graduating students to be and have.

- Jane Mueller, Principal