Student Reports

Learning Landscape Friday, 18 June 2021

Student report cards will be available to families from Years 1 to 6 via Parent Lounge, the week commencing Monday, 28 June 2021. Report cards are a way of sharing student progress in various areas, including academic achievement, effort and social-emotional development. All Australian schools must report twice a year against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards for each year level.

As you read your child's report card, it is important to remember that each child is on their own individual learning journey. Popcorn placed in a pan at the same heat will still pop at different times. Areas such as effort and behaviour or contemporary competencies will often tell you a lot more about a student's learning than an academic grade.

How to read the Student Report

There are three graded components of the Student Report:

  • Student's achievement in each subject area
  • Student's effort and behaviour
  • Student's demonstration of contemporary competencies (soft skills, such as resilience)

There are two written sections of the Student Report:

  • The 'Statement of Learning' - an outline of the topics and skills the class engaged in over the semester
  • 'Your Child's Learning' comment - a brief discussion of your child's learning and growth over the semester
How parents respond to a report card is very important. It will set the scene for your child by providing a focus or lens with which they will view learning. Children are very good at picking up where you place the value and what you see as important. Will the student learn to focus on effort and growth? Or will the emphasis be placed on performance?

The difference between the two is quite contrasting. A student who focuses on performance may feel pressure, concern over results or experience competitiveness with their peers. They may also acquire a fear of failure, a fixed mindset or give up when they feel the 'prize' is unattainable. Research shows that pressure and stress can significantly negatively impact student achievement and can actually act as a block for learning.

In contrast, a student who believes that effort and growth are more important will have a stronger growth mindset, persist longer and recognise failure as a learning opportunity. They are more likely to see peers as collaborators rather than competition and be intrinsically motivated. A growth mindset will often lead to greater learning and growth than a fixed mindset.

Contemporary competencies are also reported on in the Student Reports. One of our primary goals at Living Faith is to instil and build contemporary competencies within our students. Contemporary competencies are a range of 'soft skills' vital in developing innovative, flexible, lifelong learners. Students with these skills can learn independently, adapt and persevere to overcome unexpected challenges. These competencies include skills such as collaboration, self-direction, adaptability, grit, creativity, initiative and service, just to name a few. Students’ progress in developing these skills is reported at each year level. These grades are the perfect opportunity to start a conversation about how your child is growing in these areas.

A child's learning can not be reduced to a number. It is dynamic, multifaceted and ever-changing. Encouraging students to see the value in the learning process rather than just the outcome will significantly positively impact the way they view education. Sometimes a simple conversation can be a springboard for something much bigger.

- Bianca Ravi, Director of Learning