Kids Speak

Learning Landscape Thursday, 20 July 2023

Our Preps are well and truly settling into the Learning Nest. When I walk through the learning space it’s hard not to become involved in their play and fun as they share their current learning. I asked our Preps on one of my visits what they love about their new learning space and they shared with me their thoughts.

‘We love our home corner because we get to dress up and play shops with our money. We even buy fruit.’

‘When it’s free play time we use our stadium space to play our favourite characters. Today we’re superheroes.’

‘Drawing at the tables is our favourite because we can draw whatever we want.’

‘Our favourite area in Prep is the ‘stage.’ We like to dance, perform and make up stories there. We can also snuggle with a book and cushion. We like to perform.’

‘We like to hide away in our book cubby and look at our favourite books. Sometimes we draw our favourite characters on the  whiteboard walls.’

‘We’re excited to always play in our hex trays, we have lots. There are some with sand, Lego and we’re playing with the wooden people. We have heaps of people and they’re our family.’

Chelsea Formosa, Director of Junior Primary