Christian Studies at Living Faith

Learning Landscape Wednesday, 02 Nov 2022

Inspiring minds, illuminating hearts and igniting service founded on a love of Christ. 

At Living Faith, Christian Studies is a key part of our learning program drawing from all four elements of the Living Faith vision and mission. Christian Studies teaching is based on the beliefs of the Lutheran Church and provides a safe and supportive context in which students can reflect on their own beliefs and help make sense of their world. Through our weekly lessons, we aim to inspire minds through learning experiences that are authentic, individualised, visible and contemporary. Students learn about the Christian faith through a mixture of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Service-Learning approaches that enable them to explore their beliefs, pose questions, and understand how the Bible is lived out today. In addition, students look for ways of using this knowledge and translating it into action. 

Children come to school from a diverse range of Christian or other religious backgrounds and therefore, lessons are designed to meet students ‘where they are’ on their journey. Like in other subject areas, learning in Christian Studies is open-ended to engage, support and grow students' understanding from whatever prior knowledge they might have. At Living Faith, Christian faith is not judged nor assessed as part of Christian Studies. 

“We want our children to look upon religion not as something to be inherited, but rather as something to be discovered” - Leonard Bernard 

Our school’s Contemporary Competencies are also deeply embedded in our Christian Studies projects. Skills such as collaboration, communication and resilience together with Christian values such as grace, justice, love and compassion permeate both student learning experiences and classroom culture. 

As part of our Christian Studies curriculum, students engage in service-learning projects that challenge them to grow as caring, responsible citizens who can recognise and respond to the needs of others. We aim to co-create these projects alongside students using their unique gifts and ideas to make meaningful contributions. Each project encapsulates a major concept such as stewardship, community or identity. It is through this conceptual lens that students explore questions and engage in activities that encourage them to look beyond themselves and develop empathy. 

- Bianca Ravi, Director of Learning