Abundant Living

Principals Pen Friday, 18 June 2021

Where doubt exists, faith does not. And without faith, the abundant blessings of God become hard to see and grasp.

God doesn’t say, ‘I’ll occasionally fight for you’, ‘You’ll probably prosper’, ‘My favour is intermittent’, ‘I’ll consider renewing your mind and strength’ or, ‘Today you might be in paradise with me’. Our God doesn’t mince words. Rather, he speaks with authority, clarity and promise.

Sometimes we operate from a mindset of doubt, deficiency or fear. When we break free from this and instead adopt a mindset of expectation, abundance and optimism, our eyes are opened to God’s overflowing vastness, limitless provision and unspeakable joy. Difficulties and obstacles crumble and vanish when we are sure of the things we hope for and certain of the things we cannot see.

Faith doesn’t ignore reality. Quite the opposite, faith knows we will suffer and experience difficult challenges. But faith also knows Jesus has overcome the grave and defeated the world. Faith transports us to a new reality – one that walks in step with Jesus where perfect love drives out fear, making way for abundant living.

A mindset of expectation, abundance and optimism is not reserved for the most theologically astute. It’s a mindset that exists for all. So how can you embrace it? Live in thankfulness, knowing the peace of God guards your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Live in love, knowing that when you live in love, you live in God, and God lives in you. Live in grace, knowing you are alive in Christ and have been saved through faith. Live in fullness, knowing Jesus came so that you would have life and have it in abundance.

And rest assured you need not do any of this under your own strength. God works within you by the power of his Spirit.

God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

With the term break comes a change in routine. Naturally, this change to routine will be different from family to family. According to your own family’s circumstances, I pray you will be blessed with eyes of energetic optimism that not only see but engage with the abundant opportunities that lie before you at this time. May God bless you unexpectedly.

- Jane Mueller, Principal